The Role Of Arts Management In Creating A Better Society

February 15, 2022

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Art plays a major role in our lives, from the shows we watch online to immersing in live orchestras and theatre performances. Unfortunately, Singapore’s general reluctance to support artists leads to negative consequences for all parties. Learn about the importance of the arts, and how degree courses in arts business management plays an essential role in creating a better society.

The Role Of Arts Management In Creating A Better Society

Why are the arts important for society?

Art is stated to be a mirror of society, reflecting trends across time and facilitating necessary discussions about contemporary issues. This is especially timely now with the rise of globalisation, climate change, and uncertainty with the COVID pandemic. Art also documents the past, as seen with traditional art that preserves Singapore’s history from its time as a small fishing village. This fosters a sense of national identity and belonging, even as Singapore boldly steps into the future.

On a personal level, art helps people to embrace different cultures, opinions, and perspectives, enriching lives and forging connections and greater empathy. Paintings, music, and performances evoke strong emotions, encouraging self-reflection and positively shaping people’s characters. Arts also plays a nurturing role in a holistic and well-rounded education for students, helping them not only score better in their exams but also improve their communication skills, critical thinking, as well as empathy.

Despite art’s numerous advantages for society, Singapore tends to prioritise the sciences as well as high-flying professional jobs, at the expense of artists who often find themselves under-funded in pursuing their craft. Business management courses in Singapore, such as those for arts and creative business management, instil business skills tailored to the arts, with art managers connecting artists, audiences, and businesses in a sustainable manner to further the arts.

How does arts business management promote art in Singapore?

Arts business management involves the application of business administration principles in the arts scene, be it the day-to-day operation of art institutions, liaising with clients for commissions and arranging for fundraiser drives, as well as educating the public about various artforms. Art managers are employed across public and private sectors, and play a key role in balancing the often conflicting aims between artists and businesses. While artists tend to spare no expense in pursuing their vision and expression, businesses focus on efficiency, proper allocation of resources, and sticking to budget constraints. 

Through application of business strategy, target market research, as well as effective communication, art managers facilitate a favourable outcome for all parties involved. This reassures sponsors or businesses that their money is being properly used to support the arts, which increases the likelihood of a long-term partnership. It also reassures artists that they have the leeway to express themselves, nurturing their creativity while helping to avoid burnout.

Amity Global Institute’s Master of Arts in Creative Business Management is a year-long programme in collaboration with the University for the Creative Arts, UK. It has the option for both part and full-time study, and provides students with a global perspective to thrive in a diverse range of creative industries. Courses covered include International Finance, Accounting and Reporting, International Business Strategy, and Ideas Development and Business Proposal, amongst others. The programme culminates in a Final Creative Business Project related to students’ area of interest, so as to best prepare them to jump right into their career upon graduation.

Interested to find out about our business management courses in Singapore? Visit our website to learn more.