Where is the campus located?

Our campus is located at 228 Orchard Road, Singapore 238853.

What are the Programmes offered?

Visit the Course link of Amity – https://www.amitysingapore.sg/programmes/ for details.

How can I apply to study in Singapore?

Visit the Admissions – How to Apply section for details.

What is the duration of the Programmes?

Visit the course details section under courses for all the information related to courses.

What will be the cost of the entire program?

Visit the courses section and view the fee structure for each course offered

What will be my possible expenses during my program?

Apart from the Fees detailed in Schedule B and C of the student contract, International students are required to pay for accommodation, food, travel and living expenses, including text books and study materials.

How do I handle my money matters when at Singapore?

Carrying a traveler’s check is advisable. You can also transact through ATM cards. Visa and MasterCard are also accepted at maximum places.

Do I need a Visa?

Any international student wishing to study full-time in Singapore is required to apply for a Student’s Pass and visa (if applicable) from the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). For applicants who require a visa to enter Singapore, please ensure that your application for the Student Pass is submitted to the ICA at least 2 months before the commencement date of the course.

What happens in Counseling?

Counseling will help you to resolve any of your issues pertaining to admission in. It will help you get answers to all your queries and aid in getting a clear perspective for your future.

Is Scholarship available?

Yes, scholarship is available subject to terms and conditions. Talk to our friendly consultant to find out more about the scholarship.

What happen if I missed the payments? 

The school reserves the right to levy a late payment fee for payments made 7 days after the scheduled due date. Existing students should refer to Schedule C of their Student Contract for more details.