A Global Career In International Business Management

October 22, 2021

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With the globalisation of business as well as Singapore’s reliance on international trade and commerce, businesses have to stay abreast of both local and international trends to stay profitable. Learn more about what international business management comprises, and how studying a Degree or Masters in International Business Management in Singapore equips you with the essential skill set to step into this career.

A Global Career In International Business Management

What is international business management?

International business management refers to the management of an organisation’s business operations across multiple countries and markets. It encompasses numerous elements, ranging from international movements of goods, services, technology, and knowledge, coordinating supply chains across various countries, as well as implementing global strategies to reap the benefits of trading to worldwide markets. Compared to local markets, international markets pose a separate challenge, due to the differences in business expectations, environment, culture, governance, as well as currency transactions.

With emerging markets such as China, Brazil, India, and Russia growing in GDP; MNCs want to be properly positioned to tap into these markets for increased profits and revenue. International business management is the cornerstone in ensuring the success of business endeavours, particularly when negotiating trade deals, understanding government restrictions and taxes, or partnering with local businesses. International business management degrees are usually offered at the bachelor level of study in Singapore, and are students’ first exposure to the intricacies of business management.

Upon graduating from their bachelor’s degree in Singapore, students can eventually step into roles such as business development, business analysts, international traders, and management consultants, amongst others. What sets them apart from traditional business management graduates is their understanding of global business, allowing them to add further value to their companies, particularly for MNCs with regional and international interests. It also increases the likelihood of being posted abroad to an MNC’s regional office, allowing students to experience an enriching life beyond work as well.

What will I learn from an international business management degree?

As part of studying international business management, students in Singapore will gain both perspectives and exposure to how business is conducted across the world. In practical terms, this includes a better understanding of sociopolitical issues, diverse leadership styles, market demands, as well as geographical constraints. Students will also be exposed to real-world commercial challenges, build key management skills to handle terms from diverse backgrounds, as well as hone their technical business knowledge to streamline business processes.

Amity Global’s International Business Management Degree is a year-long course that introduces students to contemporary issues in the areas of leadership and management, entrepreneurship, finance, operations, and technology in the context of international business. Students will cover relevant topics such as emerging technologies for enterprises, global economics and business operations, as well as business research methods; culminating in a business project to apply what they have learnt in an area of their interest.

Amity Global is offering selected Singaporean and PR full-time students enrolling in our November 2021 intake of our International Business Management Degree an opportunity for a Paid Internship with us. Students will receive a monthly salary of approximately $1,200 for 4 hours a day of work, and strong performers may be offered full employment with commensurate graduate salary upon completing their degrees. Amity Global is also offering a scholarship of 50% of total course fees approximating $5,500, avoiding the need for cash upfront as the remaining subsidised school fees can be funded completely by students’ internship allowance. Do note that only Advanced Diploma graduates or an equivalent certification will be eligible.

Take the first step towards your dream career with Amity Global’s bachelor’s degrees in Singapore. Visit our website to learn more about our courses and rates.