Fee Protection Scheme


1. What is Fee Protection Scheme?

The Fee Protection Scheme serves to protect the Students’ fees in the event a Private Education Institution (PEI) is unable to continue operations due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. Furthermore, the FPS protects the student if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the student arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.

The FPS is applicable to ALL students (regardless of nationality and the type of passes, i.e. dependent’s pass, student’s pass, work permit etc) taking courses in PEIs with EduTrust certification. It applies to all courses with a course duration of more than 1 month or 50 hours.

Amity Global Institute has put in place the FPS Insurance Scheme arrangements to ensure that fees paid by students to the school are insured by SSG-appointed service providers. With effect from 1 Jan 2022, course fees paid would be protected under the FPS Group Insurance by Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd (Liberty).

FPS insurance premiums are paid by Amity Global Institute unless otherwise stated in the Student Contract as payable separately by the student. The insurance coverage shall commence from the fee payment date and cover the course duration the fee is paid for or till the course end date.

Students who seek Deferment/Transfer/Withdrawal resulting in extension of the course duration will have to pay an additional FPS Administration Fee for the course fees applicable to the extended period.

Students can make their Course Fee payment at the Accounts & Finance Office in Cash and Cheque. Students are advised to email (email address: accounts1@singapore.amity.edu) and notify Amity immediately of any payment made by Flywire, Internet Banking, ATM Transfer, AXS or Telegraphic Transfer (TT).

Bank Name DBS Bank Ltd
Account Name Amity Global Institute Pte Ltd
Account Number 003-923926-2
Bank Code 7171
Branch Code 003
Swift Address DBSSSGSG
Bank Address DBS Shenton Way Branch, 6 Shenton Way DBS Building Tower 2, Singapore 068809


For more details on Fee Protection Scheme, click to https://www.tpgateway.gov.sg/resources/information-for-private-education-institutions-(peis)/protection-of-course-fees

Click here to download a copy of the Liberty Insurance FPS Certificate